On Sept. 1, the national symposium among the heads of the general offices of national environmental protection branches was held in Beijing. Vice Minister Li Ganjie spoke at the symposium.
On Sept. 6, the No.1 inspection team, which was sent by the Discipline Work Committee of the Central Government Departments under the CPC Central Committee, gave feedback on the thematic inspection results. The team leader Wu Haiying released the feedback and proposed requirements for the rectifications to be made. As response, a Leading Party Member and Vice Minister Li Ganjie delivered remarks. Members of the No.1 inspection team, members of the CPC Committee of the Departments under MEP, members of the Discipline Inspection Committee of the Departments under MEP, Party and government chiefs of the Ministry’s internal departments and Beijing-based regional offices and affiliated institutions, and head of the Permanent Discipline Inspection Team sent by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection attended the meeting.
On the same day, the 10th International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Management was held in Beijing. Vice Minister Zhao Yingmin delivered remarks at the workshop.
On Sept. 7, Vice Minister Zhao Yingmin met in Beijing with Erik Solheim, UNEP Executive Director. The two sides exchanged views on issues of common concern.
On Sept. 8, the IAEA carried out the Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) mission to China in Beijing. Vice Minister Li Ganjie delivered remarks at the event. The Ministry’s Chief Engineer Liu Hua attended a related press conference and answered questions raised by the news press. Ramzi Jammal, leader of the IAEA IRRS mission and Executive Vice President of Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) attended relevant activities.
On the same day, the 2016 National Conference on the Environment on the Internet was held in Xiamen Municipality of Fujian Province. Vice Minister Zhai Qing delivered remarks at the conference.
On the same day, the CPPCC National Committee held the 55th bi-weekly consultation symposium in Beijing. Vice Minister Huang Runqiu attended the symposium and introduced relevant developments.
On Sept. 9, the commemorative conference of the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer was held in Beijing. UNEP Executive Director Erik Solheim and MEP Vice Minister Zhao Yingmin delivered remarks at the conference.
On the same day, in the aftermath of the fifth nuclear test conducted by North Korea, MEP, together with other relevant State departments, activated a Level Ⅱ emergency response as soon as possible, and launched a full-scale emergency monitoring of the radiation environment in Northeast China and the surrounding areas.
On Sept. 10, MEP, Guangxi Zhuang regional people’s government, ASEAN Secretariat, and Vietnamese Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment co-sponsored the 2016 ASEAN-China Environmental Cooperation Forum. MEP Vice Minister Zhao Yingmin and Huang Shiyong, Vice Chairman of Guangxi Zhuang regional people’s government delivered remarks at the forum.
Between Sept. 15 and 16, the second BRICS Environment Ministers Meeting was held in Goa, India. Vice Minister Zhao Yingmin delivered remarks at the meeting, on the sidelines of which Zhao met with Shri Anil Madhav Dave, Indian Minister of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change. The two sides exchanged views on issues of common concern.
On Sept. 20, Minister Chen Jining chaired the ministerial executive meeting which deliberated and adopted in principle the review results of 40 eco-cities (eco-counties) including Hangzhou Municipality of Zhejiang Province in east China, and made deployments for the next steps. Leader of the Ministry’s Permanent Discipline Inspection Team Zhou Ying, Vice Ministers Zhai Qing and Zhao Yingmin, and Chief Engineer for Nuclear Safety Liu Hua attended the meeting. Heads of the Ministry’s internal departments observed the meeting.
On Sept. 21, Vice Minister Huang Runqiu paid a visit to the Environment Bureau of the Government of HK SAR during his stay in Hong Kong at the invitation of the HK Government, and met with Secretary for the Environment Wong Kam-sing. The two sides exchanged views on bilateral communications and cooperation in the environment sector.
Sept. 22, Xinhua-Recently, the General Offices of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council printed and distributed the Guidance on the Pilot Reforms for a Vertical Management Framework for the Environmental Monitoring, Supervision and Inspection, and Enforcement by the Environmental Protection Branches below Provincial Level.
On Sept. 23, Vice Minister Huang Runqiu met with Raimundo Arrais do Rosário, Secretary for Transport and Public Works of Macao SAR during his visit to Macao at the invitation of the regional government. The two sides exchanged views on the bilateral communications and cooperation in the environment sector.
On the same day, Vice Minister Zhao Yingmin met in Beijing with Ayumi Konishi, Director General of East Asia Department, the Asian Development Bank. The two sides exchanged views on the issues of common concern.
Between Sept. 26 and 30, the 60th General Conference of the IAEA and the Senior Regulators’ Meeting were held in Vienna, Austria. MEP Chief Engineer for Nuclear Safety and Deputy Administrator of NNSA Liu Hua headed a delegation to the events.
On Sept. 27, the website for the eco-environmental protection big data universal service platform under “Belt and Road” initiative was officially launched and went live in Beijing. Vice Minister Zhao Yingmin attended the launching activities.
On the same day, China-Netherlands International Workshop on Soil Pollution Control was held in Beijing. Vice Minister Zhao Yingmin delivered remarks at the workshop. Before the event, Zhao met with Siebe Riedstra, Secretary General of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. The two sides exchanged views on issues of common concern.
On Sept. 28, MEP held a lecture on the study and implementation of the Accountability Regulations of the Communist Party of China. Vice Minister of Supervision Wang Lingjun was invited to give a lecture on this topic. Secretary of the Leading Party Group and Minister Chen Jining attended the lecture and met with Vice Minister Wang before it began. A leading Party member and Vice Minister Li Ganjie chaired the event. A leading Party member and head of the Permanent Discipline Inspection Team Zhou Ying, Vice Minister Huang Runqiu, a leading Party member and Vice Minister Zhai Qing, Party member officials at or above deputy director level in the Ministry’s internal departments, and the leaderships of the Beijing-based regional offices and affiliated institutions attended the lecture. Local lecture venues were prepared where the leaderships of other regional offices and affiliated institutions of the Ministry heard the lecture.