On Dec. 1, MEP adopted national environmental protection standard Technical regulation of investigation on exposure factors (HJ 877–2017), which shall enter into force as of the date of release.
From Dec. 2 to 3, the China Ecological Civilization Forum Huizhou Annual Conference was held in Huizhou Municipality of Guangdong Province. Chen Zongxing, Vice Chairman of the 11th National Committee of the CPPCC and President of China Ecological Civilization Research and Promotion Association (CECRPA) presented at the opening ceremony and delivered remarks. Minister Li Ganjie presented at the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech. Deputy Governor of the People's Government of Guangdong Province Xu Ruisheng and other delegates also presented at the meeting. On the sidelines of the conference, Chen Zongxing, Li Ganjie, and Xu Ruisheng visited the exhibitions on the achievements in building an ecological civilization at the conference and exhibition center of Huizhou.
Minister Li Ganjie went on an inspection tour to Dongguan and Guangzhou of Guangdong Province in South China to check the control of foreign wastes, environmental monitoring capacity building, and estimation and early warning of heavy air pollution. He held a symposium to hear the opinions and recommendations of the persons in charge of the above work in the provincial and municipal EPD/EPBs on studying and implementing the guiding principles of the 19th National Congress, strengthening the building of ecological civilization from all aspects, and putting up a good and tough fight against pollution.
On Dec. 4, the third UN Environment Assembly (UNEA 3) was held in the UNEP headquarters in Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya. Minister Li Ganjie met separately with UNEP Executive Director Erik Solheim, Kenyan Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Judi Wakhungu, Costa Rican Environment Minister and Chairman of UNEA 3 Edgar Gutierrèz, and Finnish Minister of the Environment Kimmo Tiilikainen. At each of the bilateral meetings, the two sides exchanged views on issues of common concern. On the sidelines of the UNEA 3, Li, Solheim, and Wakhungu signed the Letter of Intent among Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People’s Republic of China, Kenyan Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, and United Nations Environment Programme on Establishing China-Africa Environment Cooperation Center. Li and Solheim signed the Framework Agreement for Strategic Cooperation between Ministry of Environmental Protection and the United Nations Environment Programme.
MEP printed out the Correspondence on the Integrated Management of Bulk Coals to Ensure a Warm Winter for the People.
On Dec. 5, the high-level segment of the third UN Environment Assembly (UNEA 3) was held in the UNEP headquarters in Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya. Minister Li Ganjie headed a delegation on behalf of the Chinese Government to the event. On the sidelines of the meeting, Li presented and spoke at the opening ceremony of the side event on circular economy which was organized by EU Environment Council, and met separately with the heads of the ROK, Argentine, and Mongolian delegations, EU environment commissioners, and executive secretary of Basel Convention, when the two sides exchanged views on issues of common concern.
On Dec. 7, MEP printed out the Technical Regulations on the Quality Assurance and Quality Control for the Survey on the Land Uses by Enterprises of Major Industries (on trial).
On Dec. 8, Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Minister Li Ganjie chaired a meeting of the Leading Party Members’ Group and deliberated and adopted in principle the Opinions on Strengthening the Development of the Interim Party Branch for the Departments under MEP. Vice Ministers Zhai Qing, Zhao Yingmin, and Liu Hua, and Leader of the Discipline Inspection Group Wu Haiying presented at the meeting. Vice Minister Huang Runqiu observed the meeting.
On Dec. 9, the first China-Canada Environment Ministers’ Dialogue was held in Beijing. Minister Li Ganjie and his Canadian counterpart Catherine Mckenna presented at the dialogue. The two sides exchanged views on the issues of common concern, and renewed the Memorandum of Understanding on Environmental Cooperation between China and Canada.
Between Dec. 9 and 11, the 2017 annual general meeting of China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) was held in Beijing. Vice Premier of the State Council and Chairperson of the CCICED Zhang Gaoli presented and spoke at the meeting.
Minister Li Ganjie presented at the meeting and on the sidelines met separately with UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner, Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment Vidar Helgesen, and former Swedish Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Climate and Environment Asa Romson.
On Dec. 11, MEP released the Technical Policy on the Prevention and Control of Pollution by Automobiles, and abolished the Circular on Releasing the Technical Policy on the Prevention and Control of Pollution by Vehicle Emissions (huanfa [1999] 134).
On Dec. 12, Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Minister Li Ganjie chaired a meeting of the Group, conveyed the guiding principles of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on further correcting the “Formalism, Bureaucratism, Hedonism and the Extravagance Style” and improving the Party and government conduct, and deliberated and adopted in principle the Opinions of the Leading Party Members’ Group of the Ministry of Environmental Protection on the Implementation of Some Rules of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening and Safeguarding the Collective and Unified Leadership of the CPC Central Committee, and the Measures of the Ministry of Environmental Protection on the Implementation of the Implementation Rules of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on Observing the Eight-point Decision on Improving the Party and Government Conduct. Vice Ministers Zhai Qing, Zhao Yingmin, and Liu Hua, and Leader of the Discipline Inspection Group Wu Haiying presented at the meeting. The directors general of the internal departments observed the meeting.
Minister Li Ganjie presided over an executive meeting, which circulated the news on the 2017 annual general meeting of the CCICED and deliberated and adopted in principle the list of amendments to the Standard for pollution control on the municipal solid waste incineration (GB 18485-2014). Vice Ministers Huang Runqiu, Zhai Qing, Zhao Yingmin, and Liu Hua, and Leader of the Discipline Inspection Group Wu Haiying presented at the meeting. Directors general of the internal departments attended the meeting.
Minister Li Ganjie chaired a ministerial affairs meeting which considered and adopted in principle the Decision of the Ministry of Environmental Protection on the Amendments to Some Rules. Vice Ministers Huang Runqiu, Zhai Qing, Zhao Yingmin, and Liu Hua, and Leader of the Discipline Inspection Group Wu Haiying presented at the meeting. Directors general of the internal departments attended the meeting.
MEP adopted four national environmental protection standards including the Technical Requirement for Environmental Labeling Product-Culture Paper (HJ 410-2017), which shall take effect as of Mar. 1, 2018. Another four national environmental protection standards including the Technical requirement for environmental labeling products-Copy paper (HJ/T 410-2007) shall be abolished as of the date indicated above.
On Dec. 13, Minister Li Ganjie met with ROK Minister of Environment Kim Eunkyung in Beijing. The two sides exchanged views on issues of common concern.
Leader of the Discipline Inspection Group Wu Haiying went on an inspection tour to North China Inspection Bureau to check the efforts in studying and implementing the guiding principles of the 19th National Congress of the CPC and strengthening the intra-party supervision, and had admonitory talks with the bureau’s leadership and Party committee members on the study and implementation of the guiding principles of the 19th National Congress and the new plans and requirements for exercising full and strict governance over the Party.
On Dec. 14, in the witness of President Xi Jinping and ROK President Moon Jae-in, Minister Li Ganjie and his ROK counterpart Kim Eunkyung signed the China-ROK Environmental Cooperation Program (2018-2022).
MEP adopted eight national environmental protection standards including Ambient air–Determination of total hydrocarbons, methane and nonmethane hydrocarbons–Direct injection/Gas chromatography (HJ 604-2017), which shall enter into force on Mar. 1, 2018. The Ambient air-Determination of total hydrocarbons-Gas chromatography (HJ 604-2011) shall be abolished as of the date indicated above.
On Dec. 15, MEP announced the Guidelines for the Field Verification of Eco-toxicology Testing Data for the Registration of New Chemical Substances for Environmental Management, which shall enter into force as of the date of release.
MEP released the Technical Guidelines for the Survey on and Evaluation of the Soil Environment of the Construction Lands, which shall enter into force on Jan. 1, 2018.
Between Dec. 15 and 20, in response to insufficient heat supply and a shortage of natural gas in certain areas, MEP mobilized over 2,000 inspectors who formed 839 teams to inspect and visit the “2+26” cities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and surrounding areas. Minister Li Ganjie and Vice Ministers Zhai Qing and Zhao Yingmin each headed an inspection team on a tour to Tianjin, Baoding, Langfang, Xingtai, Handan, Dezhou, Liaocheng, and Anyang separately.
On Dec. 17, MEP adopted four national environmental protection standards including the Soil quality-Determination of cation exchange capacity (CEC)-Hexamminecobalt trichloride solution-Spectrophotometric method (HJ 889-2017), which shall enter into force on Feb. 1, 2018.
On Dec. 21, Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Minister Li Ganjie presided over an enlarged meeting of the Group and conveyed the guiding principles of the Central Economic Working Conference. Vice Ministers Zhai Qing, Zhao Yingmin, and Liu Hua, and Leader of the Discipline Inspection Group Wu Haiying presented at the meeting. Vice Minister Huang Runqiu, directors general of the internal departments, and the Party and administrative leaders of the Beijing-based regional offices, and the affiliated institutions attended the meeting.
MEP adopted six national environmental protection standards including the Self-monitoring technology guidelines for pollution sources–Iron and steel industry and coking chemical industry (HJ 878-2017), which shall take effect as of Jan. 1, 2018.
On Dec. 22, MEP adopted seven national environmental protection standards including the Water quality–Determination of volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (C6-C9)–Purge and trap/gas chromatography (HJ 893-2017), which shall enter into force on Feb. 1, 2018.
Between Dec. 22 and 23, Minister Li Ganjie went on an inspection tour to Weichang County and Longhua County in Chengde Municipality of Hebei Province to check the fixed-point poverty alleviation. Deputy Governor of Hebei Province Li Qian accompanied Li in the tour.
On Dec. 25, Minister Li Ganjie presided over an executive meeting which considered and adopted in principle the Technical Guidelines for Delineating the Ecological Conservation Red Lines, Environmental Quality Bottom Lines, Resource Use Upper Limit, and Preparing the Environmental Access Negative List (on trial). Vice Ministers Huang Runqiu, Zhai Qing, and Liu Hua, and Leader of the Discipline Inspection Group Wu Haiying presented at the meeting. Directors general of the internal departments attended the meeting.
On Dec. 26, MEP adopted national environmental protection standard Standard for assessment of nature reserve management (HJ 913–2017), which shall enter into force on Mar. 1, 2018.
On Dec. 28, MEP, MIIT, and NHFPC announced the List of Priority Chemicals under Control (1st batch).
MEP adopted seven national environmental protection standards including Technical specification for application and issuance of pollutant permit non-ferrous metal metallurgy industry–mercury smelting (HJ 931–2017), which shall enter into force as of the date of release.
MEP released the Methods for Calculating the Pollution Coefficient and Material Balance of Pollutant Emissions.
On Dec. 29, MEP adopted five national environmental protection standards including Stationary source emission–Determination of mass concentration of particulate matter at low concentration–Manual gravimetric method (HJ 836-2017), which shall enter into force on Mar. 1, 2018. Two national environmental protection standards including the Specifications for continuous emissions monitoring of flue gas emitted from stationary sources (on trial) (HJ/T 75-2007) shall be abolished as of the date indicated above.
MEP adopted ten national environmental protection standards including Water quality–Determination of chromium (VI)–Flow injection analysis (FIA) and diphenylcarbazide spectrometric method (HJ 908-2017), which shall enter into force on Apr. 1, 2018. Five national environmental protection standards including the Stationary source emission-Determination of nonmethane hydrocarbons-Gas chromatography (HJ/T 38-1999) shall be abolished as of the date indicated above.
MEP adopted 13 national environmental protection standards including Water quality–Determination of paraquat and diquat–Solid phase extraction high performance liquid chromatography (HJ 914-2017), which shall enter into force on Apr. 1, 2018.