On Jun. 2, the sixth working meeting of the Yangtze Delta regional cooperation team on air pollution control and the third working meeting of the Yangtze Delta regional cooperation team on water pollution control were held in Shanghai Municipality in East China. Li Qiang, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary of the CPC Shanghai municipal committee presided over the meeting and delivered remarks. Minister Li Ganjie, Governor of Jiangsu Wu Zhenglong, Governor of Zhejiang Yuan Jiajun, Governor of Anhui Li Guoying, and Executive Vice Mayor of Shanghai Zhou Bo presided over the meetings and delivered remarks. Persons in charge of relevant State departments spoke at the event.
On Jun. 4, Minister Li Ganjie had a field trip to Hualong Wharf, Qilishan Hydrometrical Station, Dongfeng Lake, three major lakes, and Jinfengqiao Reservoir of Yueyang Municipality in Hunan Province, to investigate the integrated environment management.
On Jun. 5, the annual celebration of the World Environment Day was held in Changsha Municipality of Hunan Province. Secretary of the CPC Hunan provincial committee Du Jiahao, Governor Xu Dazhe, MEE Minister Li Ganjie, and Deputy Secretary General of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee Zhao Qi presented at the celebration. UN Deputy Secretary General and UNEP Executive Director Erik Solheim sent a message on a video clip. At the celebration, the award for the “2016-2017 Person of the Year for Green China” was granted, and the Code of the Ecological and Environmental Conduct for the Citizens (on trial) was released.
On Jun. 8, MEE held a video conference to launch the strict inspection to protect the key regions from air pollution during 2018-2019. Minister Li Ganjie presented at the conference and delivered remarks. Vice Minister Zhai Qing presided over the event at a branch venue in Nanning of Guangxi and Vice Minister Zhao Yingmin at a branch venue in Qingdao of Shandong. Vice Minister Liu Hua and Chief Inspector of the CCDI Inspector’s Office at the MEE Wu Haiying participated at the main venue. The heads of Jiangsu provincial EPD, Fujian provincial EPD, CRAES, and the people’s government of Langfang voiced their opinions. The principal officials of the internal departments and Beijing-based regional offices and affiliated institutions, and the staff of the internal departments participated at the main venue. The staff of the regional offices and affiliated institutions and of the provincial, prefectural, and county EPBs participated at branch venues.
On Jun. 15, Minister Li Ganjie met with Mr. Celso Correia, Mozambican Minister of Land, Environment and Rural Development in Beijing. The two sides exchanged views on ecological and environmental issues of common concern.
On Jun. 16, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council printed and distributed the Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening Ecological and Environmental Protection and Resolutely Putting up a Tough Fight against Pollution.
On Jun. 20, the State Council Information Office held a regular policy briefing at which Vice Minister Zhao Yingmin shared information on the three-year action plan for clean air and responded to the questions raised by Chinese and international journalists.
Between Jun. 23 and 24, the 20th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting among China, Japan and Republic of Korea (TEMM 20) was held in Suzhou of Jiangsu Province in East China. Chinese Minister of Ecology and Environment Li Ganjie, Japanese Minister of the Environment Nakagawa Masaharu, and ROK Minister of Environment Kim Eunkyung headed respective delegations to the meeting and delivered keynote speeches. On the sidelines of the meeting, Li had bilateral talks with both of his Japanese and ROK counterparts. He signed a memorandum of understanding with Japanese Minister Nakagawa Masaharu.
On Jun. 25, CRAES held a briefing on the rectifications made under the education on remolding a healthy political ecology by case study. Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Minister Li Ganjie presented at the meeting and delivered remarks. Chief Inspector of the CCDI Inspector’s Office Wu Haiying presented at the briefing.
China-ROK Environment Cooperation Center was inaugurated in Beijing. Minister Li Ganjie and his ROK counterpart Kim Eunkyung spoke at the inauguration ceremony.
On Jun. 27, the State Council printed and distributed the Three-Year Action Plan for Winning the Blue Sky Defense Battle.
On Jun. 28, Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Minister Li Ganjie presided over an enlarged meeting of the Group, which conveyed the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s major oral and written instructions on poverty alleviation, heard reports on the work progress and proposed plans, and considered and adopted in principle the Three-Year Action Plan of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on the Fixed-Point Poverty Alleviation (2018-2020) and the Guiding Opinions on the Targeted Poverty Alleviation through Ecological and Environmental Protection. Members of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Vice Ministers Zhai Qing and Liu Hua, Chief Inspector of the CCDI Inspector’s Office and Chief Supervisor of the SSC Supervisor's Office at the MEE and a member of the Leading Party Members’ Group Wu Haiying, and a member of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Vice Minister Zhuang Guotai presented at the meeting. Vice Minister Huang Runqiu and the principal officials of the internal departments observed the meeting.
Minister Li Ganjie met with Børge Brende, President of the World Economic Forum in Beijing. The two sides exchanged views on the issues of common concern.
On Jun. 29, MEE held a meeting to celebrate the 97th anniversary of the CPC and commend the outstanding Party members and workers and advanced community-level Party organizations. Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Minister Li Ganjie presented at the meeting and gave a Party lecture. A member of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Vice Minister Zhai Qing presided over the meeting. Vice Minister Huang Runqiu, members of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Vice Ministers Zhao Yingmin and Liu Hua, Chief Inspector of the CCDI Inspector’s Office and Chief Supervisor of the SSC Supervisor's Office at the MEE and a member of the Leading Party Members’ Group Wu Haiying, and a member of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Vice Minister Zhuang Guotai presented at the meeting. The Party members with the internal departments, representatives of the retired officials, and the representatives of the awardees participated at the main venue. The Party members of the regional offices and affiliated institutions participated at the branch venues.
On Jun. 30, Minister Li Ganjie went on an inspection tour to Weichang and Longhua of Chengde Municipality of Hebei Province. Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Hebei provincial people’s congress and Secretary of the CPC Chengde municipal committee Zhou Zhongmin and Deputy Governor of Hebei Li Qian accompanied Minister Li in his inspection.
Minister Li Ganjie met with UN Deputy Secretary General and UNEP Executive Director Erik Solheim in Saihanba of Hebei Province in North China. They had a field trip to Saihanba Forest Farm which won the UN Award for Champion of the Earth 2017. The two sides exchanged views on issues of common concern and signed a memorandum of understanding on bilateral cooperation.