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Calendar in Jan. 2018
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On Jan. 2, Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Minister Li Ganjie presided over an enlarged meeting of the Group, which sent the message of and studied the guiding principles of the meeting of the Politburo on criticism and self-criticism among members in leadership positions and the Central Rural Area Working Conference, and debated and adopted in principle the 2017 annual plan for the meetings of the Leading Party Members’ Group on criticism and self-criticism. Vice Ministers Zhao Yingmin and Liu Hua, and Leader of the Discipline Inspection Group Wu Haiying, leading Party member Zhuang Guotai presented at the meeting. Vice Minister Huang Runqiu and directors general of the internal departments observed the meeting.

On Jan. 4, MEP adopted the national environmental protection standard Guideline for available techniques of pollution prevention and control for pulp and paper industry (HJ 2302-2018), which shall enter into force as of March 1, 2018. As of this date, the Announcement on Issuing Three Technical Guidelines including the Guideline on Available Technologies of Pollution Prevention and Control for Wood Pulping Process of Pulp and Paper Industry (on Trial) (MEP Announcement No. 81, 2013) shall be abolished.

MEP promulgated the principles for approving the environmental impact statements of construction projects in three industries, which is, the airport, harbor, and water conservancy (river and lake dredging and flood and waterlog control) industries.

On Jan. 8, MEP promulgated the National Catalogue of Advanced Pollution Control Technologies (Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal Field) (2017) and National Catalogue of Advanced Pollution Control Technologies (Environmental Noise and Vibration Control Field) (2017).

On Jan. 10, MEP promulgated the Administrative Measures for Pollutant Emission Permitting (on trial), which shall enter into force as of the date of promulgation.

On Jan. 12, MEP promulgated the Technical Policy on Prevention and Control of Pollution by Alcoholic Beverage Manufacturing Industry, and the Technical Policy on Prevention and Control of Pollution by Shipborne Pollution.

MEP adopted the national environmental protection standard Development guideline for guidelines on available techniques of pollution prevention and control (HJ 2300-2018), which shall enter into force as of March 1, 2018.

On Jan. 16, Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Minister Li Ganjie presided over an enlarged meeting of the Group, which sent the message of and studied the guiding principles of the important statements of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the opening session of the workshop on studying and acting upon the guiding principles of the 19th National Congress of the CPC, and of the second plenary session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Vice Ministers Zhao Yingmin and Liu Hua, Leader of the Discipline Inspection Group Wu Haiying, and Vice Minister Zhuang Guotai presented at the meeting. Vice Minister Huang Runqiu and directors general of the internal departments observed the meeting.

On Jan. 19, Discipline Inspection Group held a meeting among the discipline inspection officials in the national environmental protection branches, which sent the message of and studied the important statements of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the second plenary session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the work report of Comrade Zhao Leji. Leader of the Discipline Inspection Group Wu Haiying presided over the meeting and delivered remarks.

On Jan. 22, Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Minister Li Ganjie presided over a meeting of the Leading Party Members’ Group, which sent the message and studied the guiding principles of the important statements made by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the second plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the guiding principles of the session. Vice Ministers Zhao Yingmin and Liu Hua, Leader of the Discipline Inspection Group Wu Haiying, and Vice Minister Zhuang Guotai presented at the meeting. Vice Minister Huang Runqiu observed the meeting.

On Jan. 24, MEP printed out the Circular on the Management of the Construction Projects on the Production and Use of Ozone Depleting Substances.

On Jan. 25, MEP printed out the Measures on the National Environment and Health Work in the Environmental Protection Sector (on trial).

On Jan. 26, MEP held an enlarged tutorial lecture of the Leadership Core of the Leading Party Members’ Group. Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Minister Li Ganjie presided over the meeting. Xiong Jingfeng, Director General of the Party and Government Conduct Inspection Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, gave the lecture. Vice Minister Liu Hua and Leader of the Discipline Inspection Group Wu Haiying presented at the lecture. All of the officials of the Ministry’s internal departments, and the leadership members of the Beijing-based regional offices and affiliated institutions heard the lecture.

MEP printed out the Implementation Opinions on Strengthening the Interim- and Post-Regulation of the Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects.

On Jan. 31, MEP printed out the Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Emergency Preparedness Plans of the Enterprises and Public Institutions (on trial).