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Proposals on Strengthening the Management of the Plastic Package Wastes along Main Roads, in River Basins and at Tourist Attractions
source: Redistributed 1998-09-22 Font Size:[ S M L ] [Print] [Close]

(Approved by the State Council and promulgated by the State Environmental Protection Administration, the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Railway, the Ministry of Communications and the state Tourist Administration on September 22, 1998)

To rapidly change the present situation that the main roads, river basins and tourist attractions (scenic spots) are overflowed by "White Pollution", and to protect the natural sceneries and the ecological environment, we put forward following suggestions on strengthening the management of the plastic package wastes along main roads, in river basins and at tourist attractions inspired by the instructions of leaders of the State Council:

1. We shall strengthen the prevention and control of the "White Pollution", fully understand the urgency and seriousness of the elimination and control of the "White Pollution", find out the problems, provide solutions, work out unified plans and arrange for their implementation. The chief leaders shall personally intervene into the matter, take the general responsibility, assign duties to the organs and personnel at different administration levels, and make sure the implementation of these measures. Departments of urban construction, communications, railway, tourism and environmental protection shall take their respective responsibilities and strengthen the management of the plastic package wastes.

2. It is prohibited to use non-degradable one-off vesicant plastic tableware at railway stations, aboard passenger trains, and aboard passenger ships and excursion ships sailing in inland waters such as the Changjiang River, the Tai Lake, etc.

3. It is prohibited to litter or deposit plastic package wastes or other solid wastes into rivers, lakes and or on their banks. In the Changjiang River, the Tai Lake, the major tourist attractions (scenic spots) and other inland waters, the local People's governments shall, within three months, organize the cleaning of the plastic package wastes floating in the water or deposited on the banks.

4. It is prohibited to dump rubbish along the railways and on the banks in the Changjiang River and the Tai Lake river basins. For the temporary rubbish deposit sites along the railways and on the banks in the Changjiang River and the Tai Lake river basins, the local People's governments shall, within six months, organize for their clearing away and carry out comprehensive management of the zones.

5. The departments of communications at different levels shall strengthen the management of ship rubbish. All ships shall be equipped with the Ship Rubbish Register, the Ship Rubbish Management Plan, the bulletin boards and enough containers to store rubbish as required by relevant laws and regulations. The rubbish shall be sorted and collected, and discharged into rubbish receiving facilities. Crewmembers and passengers are prohibited to discard rubbish, remains of cargo, etc into rivers or lakes. The organs in charge of the supervision of ports and navigation shall strengthen the inspection and supervision. Ports and docks shall be equipped with enough facilities to receive rubbish from ships, and the facilities shall be connected to the systems for the collection and treatment of municipal refuses.

6. The departments in charge of the tourist attractions (scenic spots) are responsible for the supervision and inspection of the management of the plastic package wastes in the tourist attractions (scenic spots) with their administration. The tourist attractions (scenic spots) shall be equipped with enough rubbish bins for the convenience of the tourists. The units that manage the tourist attractions (scenic spots) shall assign special personnel for the cleaning, collecting and carrying away of the rubbish and the maintenance of the rubbish storage facilities.

7. The departments of railway at different levels shall maintain the progress achieved and improve the management of rubbish storage facilities aboard trains or at railway stations, and carry out strict supervision and management. Stewards and passengers shall not litter along the railways.

8. The departments of urban construction and environmental sanitation at different levels shall well manage the acceptance, treatment and disposal of rubbish from navigation, railways and tourist attractions pursuant to the principles stipulated in the Regulation on the Management of Urban Appearance and Environmental Sanitation promulgated by the State Council, and shall not deposit rubbish on river or lake banks. The construction and operation of the treatment factories for municipal refuses shall follow the rules and standards stipulated by the state or the local governments. Rubbish landfills and deposit fields shall not be located along water banks.

9. The departments of environmental protection at different levels shall, under the leadership of the local People's governments, strengthen the unified supervision and management of the prevention of pollution by the plastic package wastes, and take stern actions against behaviors that violate the environmental protection laws and regulations and cause damages to the ecological environment.

10. Every locality and department shall extensively publicize the harms of the "White Pollution", spread knowledge on the prevention and control of pollution by the plastic package wastes, and enhance the environmental awareness of the mass. And columns and bulletin boards shall be set up aboard trains, ships and at tourist attraction (scenic spots). Newspaper, broadcasting, television and other new media shall engage in such publicity activities.