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Feedback Summary and Analysis
Article type: Translated 2015-07-13 Font Size:[ S M L ] [Print] [Close]

84 out of 90 questionnaires are valid

1How do you like the form of this Meeting?




A.    Like



B.     Dislike



C.     Neutral



Most participants like the meeting

2How do you think of the content of this Meeting?

A. Option



B. Quite good



C.     Bad



D.     Neutral



Most are satisfied with the content of this meeting

3. Which session are you most interested in? And Why? (Multi-Choice)

A. Session One: Institutional Innovation of Eco-Environmental Redlining

B. Session Two: Media and Public Participation Policies on Promoting China’s Green Development

C. Session Three: Green Accounting and Environmental Performance Evaluation and Green Supply Chain

D. None of above




A.    Session One



B.     Session Two



C.     Session Three



D.    None of above



Most are interested in Session One (redlining), three sessions

are ranked as below according to degree of interest:

Session one >Session two >Session three

Why interested:

1.      Attractive Content: practical and closely related to daily life and personal developmentprecise and easy to understand; echo to today’s theme—environment and development

2.      Attractive Formenjoying discussion and interaction

Why not interested

1.      Session one and session three are too specialized

2.      Topic is not specific enough, instead covering a broad range of issues

3.      Time for discussion and interaction is limited

List of Opinions and Suggestions


Interested in all sessions, especially session one on redlining; enjoying active discussion and interaction


Environmental issues are the primary concern for China’s economic transformation and ecological civilization development. It’s very challenging yet practical for CCICED to study and tackle issues encountered in practice with regard to eco-environmental redlining system and environmental accounting.


Very interesting, particularly for the discussion on drawing eco-environmental redline and data of percentage; at the same time, getting a better understanding the achievements accomplished by China in the field of environment and development.


The form of meeting is innovative, the content is relevant to everyday life, interaction with the participants is active and enjoyable, very informative and inspiring, easy to comprehend


Modeling public hearing of environmental protection administrative licensing


Concerns the social and development security of all humanity;a driving force for innovation in social governance and science and technology in all sectors


Relevant to national development as well as people’s livelihood


Environmental problems in China has significant impact on people’s life, promotion for green transformation is therefore urgently needed.


Interests in topics lies in the cares for environmental issues


Through the form of public participation, the right to know is thus ensured


Session two is relevant to my work, while the other two are too specialized.


Other topics can be introduced through new form of reading. Time for presentation might be slightly shortened so as to leave more time for others to express different opinions and new perspectives.


Government is suggested to give more support for environment accounting legislation and strengthen staff training for environment accounting agencies


Eco-environmental redlining shall be treated with prudence and in a scientific manner. Guiding and instruction are of great importance.


Redlining system is of great significance to sustained economic development. Green supply chain can further promote the implementation of related policies and reforms through market means.

Your suggestions are highly appreciated:

On the form of the meeting

s   Too short for Q&A session, interaction time shall be extended so as to leave more time for expression of different opinions (mentioned by many participants);

s   Minimizing the presentation time, preparing related materials for participants to make sure they are well prepared;

s   Strengthening international cooperation and exchange is strongly recommended.

On the content of the meeting;

s   The meeting is excellent in general, but more information shall be provided and part of the information is contradictive with each other.

s   Topic is too broad and not specific

s   Sessions to be discussed shall be more specific and well-targeted instead of being over-general.

s   Hope more topics to be covered including energy utilization and environmental pollution

s   Greatly impressed by the active participation and contribution of deputy minister LI Ganjie.

On the dissemination of the meeting

s   Taking advantage of multi-media to expand influence;

s   More exchange activities shall be organized to disseminate the research findings and conference outcome;

On the transformation of research outcome into real action

s   It’s important to turn the research findings into the specific policy recommendations and report to relevant ministries and departments (mentioned by many participants);

s   Enhancing exchange and communication with the government;

On extensive public participation

s   Involving more research staff from environmental protection industries and university students to ensure an active interaction;

s   Better coordination and communication with local representatives will lead to a better outcome; it’s highly suggested that CCICED get in touch with more local officials, legislation organs and university professors and experts who might conduct intensive research and investigation on environmental issues.

On CCICED partners

s   Hope CCICED also gave suggestions to the cooperative partners on how to give better support to CCICED work 


Most participants enjoyed this meeting and like both the form and the content of the meeting, primarily because it’s highly relevant with one’s own life and national development. Nevertheless, improvement suggestions were also made as follows: In terms of topic selection, it shall be more specific and easy to understand to audience; In terms of meeting preparation, related materials on presentation shall be provided in advance so that participants may draw upon as reference; In terms of meeting participants, scholars, experts and officials from various sectors shall be involved and thus bring more perspectives; in terms of time distribution, more time shall be allocated to discussion and interaction; and after the meeting, a timely update of official website is necessary to disseminate outcome and research findings and inform the public of the policy recommendations received by the government.