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Emission Standard for Stationary-source Pollutants
Emission standard of air pollutants for thermal power plants
Source: 环境监察局2012-01-01
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The current standard is developed for the purpose of implementing laws and regulations such as Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution and the Decision of the State Council on Implementing the Outlook on Scientific Development and Strengthening Environmental Protection, protecting the environment, improving environmental quality, preventing and controlling the pollution caused by emissions of air pollutants from thermal power plants, and facilitating technical progress and sustainable development of thermal power industry. The current standard specifies the concentration limits and monitoring requirements for emission of air pollutants from thermal power plants as well as relevant provisions for the implementation and supervision concerning the standard. The current standard is applicable to management of air pollutant emissions of existing thermal power plants; environmental impact assessment of construction projects of thermal power plant, design of environmental protection project, environmental protection check & acceptance of completed construction projects as well as post-operation management of emissions of air pollutants. The current standard is not applicable to the thermal power plants with various capacity that employ garbage and hazardous waste as fuels. The current standard is applicable to pollutant discharge permitted by law. The site election of new pollution sources and management of existing pollution sources in especially protected areas shall comply with relevant requirements of laws, regulations and rules such as the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, Law of the People’s Republic of China on Marine Environment Protection, Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste and Law of the People’s Republic of China on Environmental Impact Assessment. The current standard is issued for the first time in 1991 with the first amendment in 1996 and second amendment in 2003. The water pollutants, odor and noise from thermal power plants shall comply with relevant national pollution discharge standards. The identification, treatment and disposal of generated solid waste shall comply with national standard for the control of solid waste pollution. The emissions of air pollutants from thermal power plants shall comply with the requirements of the current standard and not comply with the provisions of Emission standard of air pollutants for thermal power plants (GB 13223-2003) as of the date when the current standard goes into effect.

Emission standard of air pollutants for thermal power plants(GB 13223-2011)